Saturday 3 August 2013

Leaf Painting and Big Art Project - Easy Autumn Craft for Kids of all Ages

This was a great craft which took up most of an afternoon.

Step 1: Find some leaves
You will need: A bag/packet for the leaves which may be damp

We took a walk around our neighbourhood and raided all the gorgeous fallen Autumn leaves along the roadsides.  Even under a single tree you will find big and small leaves, different types, colours and textures.  It's fun to let the kids be picky about what they choose for their bag.

Leaf hunting
Then take them all home. If they are damp then spread them out on a plastic mat and let them dry for a bit. Clever Daughter really enjoyed admiring her collection and laying them all out.

Step 2: Painting
You will need:
  • White A4 paper
  • Coloured liquid paint. We used Crayola washable kids paint so my toddler could have a fun too without causing any damage.
  • Protective painting sheet: If you are only aiming to do the small page leaf prints then a regular painting protective sheet will be perfect.
  • For the larger painting project having something you can paint on from the start is ideal. A large sheet of paper will do well or in our case an old disposable table cloth.

Leaf Impressions: How to do it: 
  • For a detailed impression paint the underside of your leaf where all the veins are more visible.   For a solid leaf shape, paint the topside.
  • Now press it down and rub all over to be sure to get as much contact with the paper as you can.

  • Time for the great reveal! Peel that leaf off the page but try not to drag it or it will smudge.
  • Pretty!
  • Now do some more!  Use different leaves and different colours if you like.

A finished picture. A little bit of Autumn to frame.

This is why we use non-toxic washable paint!

Big Art Project: How to do it:

Once we had finished a few leaf paintings we noticed the disposable table cloth we were using looked quite arty itself and since we were going to throw it away anyway... Why not paint it! (Clever Daughter's idea obviously).

So I stood back and let them loose.

That's my hand!

That looks like trouble!

Needs purple!

DinoKid was happy to give it a go.

Just like this!

Fast learner.

Use your feet!

The finished mat.

You are going to need to take a photograph of that final artwork. It's beautiful and personal and messy and awesome and full of fun.

Now throw those kids in the bath!

Some Crafty Kids think Leaf Painting and Big Art are:

Fun: 10/10
Educational: 9/10
Show & Tell-worthy: 10/10

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