Wednesday 31 July 2013

Experimenting with Water Absorbing Crystals (The powder inside nappies!) for Home-made Fake Snow

This was a very cool experiment.  I had found a Pinterest Pin a few months before which lead here and I think I forgot the bit about it not actually being the powder from inside nappies. So when we did it, ours went a little something like this:

Home-Made Fake Snow

1. Get about 3 or 4 baby nappies you won't need and prepare to shred them.


2. Tear the inner lining of the nappy rather forcefully (or cut with scissors!)  You will be met by many layers of cotton wool, but what we want is the grains of powdery crystals which will immediately start to come out. We found shaking and patting the nappy over a large bowl got quite a good yield of crystal powder.  This powder is the hydrogel or water absorbing crystals which usually soak up all of baby's... wetness. 

3. Cotton wool will also fall into the bowl, just pick out the worst bits, give the bowl a good swirl around and the crystals will sink to the bottom and you can try to pick out the rest of the wool. If some remains it will not affect the outcome.

Our collection taken from 4 nappies.

4. Now to add water. We started out with a 1ml dropper

But after 13 drops the gel was still sucking up the water and the kids were getting impatient and looking forward to playing with it!

 So we started again:

  • 90mls water + 1 teaspoon powder.

  • Wait a little bit and watch those little crystals sucking up all that water.

Jenny was amazed as we realised it has changed from a liquid state to a solid.

  •  This is how much "snow" we got from one teaspoon of powder and it would have gone further if we had given it the water and some time.

It is completely safe to handle and hold. But I would say don't eat it. 
Play time!  Spoons, bowls and bare hands squashed, scooped, sprinkled and squeezed away about 30 minutes of focussed (semi-messy) fun.

The crystals have a lovely soft texture.

You just can't squeeze the water out of there.

Then Clever Daughter looked around the kitchen and said "What happens if we add salt?"  Now I must say that I think she said this because she isn't allowed to play with the salt shaker and thought this might be her chance. But I thought Salt Does Do Weird Things To Water, Let's try!

Yippeee! Happy to add some salt.
 The salt transforms the "snow" back into a liquid!
Left: No Salt; Right: Salt Added.
So I thought I would do one last change up with this fabulous stuff, threw a random amount in a baby food jar with some blue food colouring. Closed the lid and shook it up.

Like an iceberg sucking up the sea...

The kids had a great afternoon, and it was definitely worth the nappy sacrifices.
Some Crafty Kids give Home-made Fake Snow:
Fun: 8/10
Educational: 9/10
Show & Tell-worthiness: 7/10